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About us

  洛阳安妮翻译服务有限公司 LUOYANG ANNIE TRANSLATION SERVICES CO., LTD. 汉语、英语及其他多种语言服务 Services in Chinese, English and many other languages 大批拥有大学学位的、语言流利的国内人士和说母语人士 Fluent domestic and native speakers with university degrees 各种文件的翻译服务(法律、学术、移民、技术等诸多领域) Translation of all types of documents (legal, academic, emigration, technical, etc.) 汉语及英语的语言培训服务 Language training services in Chinese and English 辅助申请国外留学及移民 Assistance with applications to study abroad and to emigrate 经工商局注册的正规翻译公司,有大批经注册的、笔译和口译译员 A registered company with certified and senior translators and interpreters 价格合理、质量、保密 Reasonable rates and world class quality and complete confidentiality assured 免费估算、免费试译 Contact us for a free estimate and a free translation example